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Abstract (English):
The study features the main development stages of various branches of Russian law, i.e. economic, commercial, and business law, as well as related sciences. The author defines business law as a complex of legal norms and describes the history of entrepreneurship and the traditions of economic, commercial and business law in Russia. The author considers Russian business law from the perspective of normative support of legal relations. The structure of legislative support of these legal relations is now at a nascent stage in terms of unification and codification. The aim of the study was to examine the dynamics of the formation of Russian business law from the normative and scientific points of view, with the use of historical and formal methods of scientific knowledge. The author comes to the conclusion that Russian business law is currently undergoing a stage of development and specialization.

history of private law, history of business law, history of economic law, legal support of business, science of Russian business law
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