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Abstract (English):
Legislation on enforcement proceedings cannot be called problematic. However, in spite of the general understandability and transparency of the procedures with the participation of the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation, there is a whole layer of problems that the debtor has to face when the writ of execution is executed by other bodies, e.g. banks. This article features the problem of suspension of execution of an enforcement document presented by the recoverer in accordance with the provisions of Art. 8 of the Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings" dated 02.10.2007 No. 229-FZ to a credit organization that performs settlement and cash services for the debtor. Banks and other lending institutions must immediately transfer the amounts collected on the basis of the executive document in an unconditional order. Therefore, the current law on enforcement proceedings, probably, does not contain a direct answer to the question of the extension to this procedure of individual institutions of enforcement proceedings, in particular, the institution of suspension of the executive production or suspension of execution of a court decision. Meanwhile, in case of realization by the bank of the right provided for by Part 6 of Art. 70 of the Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings" dated 02.10.2007 No. 229-FZ on the delay in the execution of the enforcement document in case of doubt in its authenticity, or in the event of insufficient funds in the bank account of the debtor, the procedure for fulfilling the claim by the bank may become sufficiently long. In this article, attempts are made to correlate the procedure for compulsory execution of an executive document by a credit institution and enforcement proceedings, as well as the need to apply the analogy of the law with the purpose of extending the effect of certain institutions of enforcement proceedings in legal relationships for the execution of executive documents by credit institutions.

enforcement proceedings, bailiff, credit organization, analogy of law, interim measures, suspension of execution of court decision, newly discovered circumstances
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