Kemerovo, Russian Federation
The present research deals with the provisions of the Russian Constitution, the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation, and draft normative and legal acts, whose norms are aimed at streamlining the legal services market, as well as consolidating professional judicial representation in the civil process. The paper features the role of the lawyer in the civil process and some aspects of pro bono legal assistance. The author identifies three main approaches to the issue of the introduction of professional legal assistance in the civil process. Each of the approaches has advantages and disadvantages. In the opinion of the author, the modern institute of lawyers meets all professionalism-related requirements. The Bar Association has all the possibilities for uniting those who want to provide professional legal assistance under the auspices of the Federal Chamber of Advocates. The introduction of advocate's monopoly is necessary for the uniform professional standards of legal support that would be the same for the whole professional community.
civil procedure, lawyer, advocate monopoly, qualified legal assistance, pro bono legal assistance
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