Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research features the topical problem of formation and functioning of single-industry towns. The paper gives the quantitative parameters of some single-industry towns of the Russian Federation and the Far East, as well as the main factors of their development and related problems, such as unemployment, demography, migration, and absence of residents-investors. For example, a program of complex development of single-industry towns has been developed and implemented in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) with the main focus on creating new jobs. As a result, industrial enterprises are expected to attract at least 10,000 people from the local population by 2020. The author offers some possible solutions and substantiates the expediency of feasibility studies when choosing a method of development of each specific deposit. The studies should be based on the production capacity of the future enterprise. The obtained data predict when the local deposits will be exhausted and, thus, the prospective operation life of the settlement. Only after that, either stationary settlement or rotational team method can be chosen.

regions, single-industry, resources, power, watch
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