Belgorod, Russian Federation
Moskva, Russian Federation
The research features the main factors that influence the effectiveness of team work, i.e. the size of the team, the age and sex its members, their psychological compatibility, cohesion, and relationship character. The paper proves the ambiguous nature of the influence of these factors on team work effectiveness and states the need for a situational approach. The authors believe that the size of the team and its cohesion produces a positive effect on the team work and establish various types of effects, e.g. the effect of social laziness, the effect of freedom from obligations, the effect of conformism, the effect of one-sidedness, the halo effect, etc. According to the authors, the cooperation and rivalry are the main styles of relations in team work. The propositions expressed by the authors expand the field of scientific discussion on the problem of the effectiveness of team work.
collective activity, psychological compatibility, cohesion, group effects, conformism, cooperation, rivalry, egoistic altruism
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