Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction. The Tourism and Recreation Cluster of Promising Development – Mezhdurechensk is a relevant project for the Mezhdurechensk urban district. The Cluster needs a good organizational and functional structure, as well as a clear division of operational functions and management tasks. The project aims at diversifying the economy of Kuzbass and overcoming the region’s dependence on the industrial sector, as well as the problem of single-industry towns. Study objects and methods. The article focuses on the following local points of attraction: the city of Mezhdurechensk, the Yugus and Syrkashi mountain complex, Podnebesnye Zubya mountain range, the Black Salan mountains, the Megaliths of Izygash and Kuylyum near Orton village, and the ethnovillage of Studeniy Plyos. The research involved the complex, system, comparative, cartographic, and ecological analyses, as well as the method of OTSW analysis. The latter revealed the opportunities, threats, strengths, and weaknesses of the project. Results and discussion. The authors followed the strategizing methodology of the scientific school developed by V.L. Kvint, Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. They proposed strategizing measures for the Mezhdurechensk Cluster based on a detailed analysis of municipal, regional, and federal programs and strategies of tourism development. If managed properly, the Cluster will bring in various economic benefits, thus increasing the competitive advantage of the area and improving the positive image of the Mezhdurechensk urban district. Conclusion. The new strategy will improve the local supporting and servicing infrastructure, as well as diversify the local mining-based economy and human capital, which are important for the strategic development of tourism and recreation. The article is addressed to experts in the fields of tourism, hospitality, branding, and territorial marketing.

strategizing, strategy, branding, marketing, cluster approach
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