Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Kemerovo, Russian Federation
The effective innovation activity in the region depends on the state and development of its innovative potential. The authors used theoretical, statistical, comparative, and analytical methods to describe the concept of innovative potential, evaluate its current state in the Kemerovo Region, and identify the promising areas for its development. The article introduces a comparative analysis of innovative and entrepreneurial activity in the Kemerovo Region in 2016–2020. The methodology developed by the Higher School of Economics of the National Research University made it possible to compare the indicators of innovative development in different regions of the Siberian Federal District. The analysis included the dynamics of the factors in order to calculate the indicators of innovative development and rank the regions. In terms of innovation activity, the Kemerovo Region appeared to be inferior to such leading regions of the Siberian Federal District as Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, and Krasnoyarsk. However, the region has good potential opportunities for innovative development. The authors recommend several promising directions that could develop the innovative potential of the region, create competitive advantages, attract additional investment, develop its digitalization potential, and increase its participation in the federal innovative, scientific, and technical policy, as well as to make it attractive for young people.
innovative potential, assessment of innovative potential, innovative activity, innovative development, region, Kemerovo Region
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