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Abstract (English):
Anti-pathogenic activity is an integral part of the main characteristics of fermented functional products based on bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Pectin oligosaccharides are promising prebiotic components for the microflora of fermented milk drinks, since they have a potential synergistic effect. The antibacterial effect of starter cultures traditionally used in the dairy industry against pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli EPEC, Escherichia coli VTEC and Staphylococcus aureus in the presence of pectin oligosaccharides was studied in vitro. It has been experimentally proven that pectin oligosaccharides are suitable for use as a probiotic for bifid-containing products, they positively affect the metabolism of probiotic cultures, enhance anti-pathogenic activity and do not inhibit the growth of other starter cultures.

fermented milk drinks, pathogens, antibacterial activity, pectin oligosaccharides
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