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Abstract (English):
The purpose of this work is a comparative analysis of the biological value of the milk of goats of the saanen and nubian breeds. In the milk of the first and third lactations in saanen goats, the total content of amino acids in the composition of milk protein is higher than that of nubian goats (author, there are no standard errors in 11,86 % (P≤0,001) for protein content in the text). The amino acid composition index (decipher) of milk in goats of the nubian breed (3,39–3,4 5%) (0,73–0,65) is higher than that of the saanen breed (3,04–3,21 %) (0,67–0,63). The milk of goats of the saanen breed of the 1st lactation contains more leucine, isoleucine and valine in 7,14 (P≤0,001); 17,65 (P≤0,001) and 15,1 5 %; according to III lactation is not 11,63 (P≤0,001), 33,33 (P≤0,001) and 20,58 % (P≤0,001) mutually in relation to the nubian breed. In general, the milk of experimental goats of both lactations and breeds complies with the recommendations of the FAO/VOZ for assessing the level of essential amino acids in the protein of the milk under study relative to their content in the reference protein. This makes it possible to recommend goat's milk as a raw material in the production of high-value dairy products, including for therapeutic purposes.

dairy goats, saanen, nubian, biological value of milk, essential amino acids, amino acid score
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