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Abstract (English):
In 2024, Russia chairs the BRICS, having defined its global strategy as “strengthening multilateralism for equitable global development and security”. According to the methodology developed by Prof. V.L. Kvint, the global strategy depends on the relevant international, national, and corporate strategies of companies from the BRICS countries. Data economy uses algorithms for data processing and analysis, including AI solutions. Prof. V.L. Kvint defines the strategy as a combination of wisdom, a correct attack vector, and an adequate assessment of resources. Prof. A.A. Romanov and Prof. V.V. Kondratiev used Model-Based Systems Engineering 2.0 to adapt Prof. L.A. Bakhvalov’s methodology of system modeling to the modern conditions. All these principles can yield a new approach to multi-criteria modeling of related cross-country and cross-industry corporate strategies, especially if facilitated by the digital twin method and the interoperability policy. The major construction industry is high on the BRICS agenda in terms of large infrastructure and industrial facilities. Therefore, Model-Based Systems Engineering 2.0 provides good prospects for development strategy modeling.

strategizing, model-based systems engineering, coordination of economic activities, cross-industry and cross-country cooperation, digital twin, interoperability, artificial intelligence algorithms, alliance
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