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Abstract (English):
The article considers the relationship between the financial technologies development and sustainable development indicators on the example of emerging markets’ companies. While environmental, social and corporate governance attracts significant attention in discussions about corporate sustainability, its implementation depends on the development of financial technologies. The mechanisms by which the fintech development affects corporate sustainability indicators in emerging economies remain relatively unexplored. The necessity to understand how the development of financial technologies affects the corporate spheres of ESG reinforces the relevance of the research since it is of great importance for the formation of effective sustainable development strategies. The study uses a comprehensive methodological approach, which includes analysis of data on companies’ financial performance and assessment of the fintech development level in various regions, as well as analysis of its impact on sustainable development corporate indicators. The author uses statistical methods of analysis and mathematical models, as well as comparative studies to obtain more accurate and objective data. The results indicate an obvious relationship: companies operating under less financial constraints demonstrate noticeably higher indicators of sustainable development, especially in regions with developed fintech ecosystems. The research provides a detailed understanding of how the use of fintech can contribute to improving the indicators of sustainable development in emerging markets’ companies. The scientific novelty of the study lies in its in-depth analysis of the factors driving the corporate sustainability development under the influence of fintech technologies, which expands the understanding of the fintech impact on corporate sustainability indicators and opens up new prospects for future research in this area.

fintech, ESG, sustainable development, green economy, fintech development indices, emerging markets
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