Acceleration Digital LLC
Moscow, Russian Federation
The author applied the methods of Professor L.V. Kvint’s scientific school of strategizing to the construction industry in the Russian Federation. Strategic threat is a set of adverse conditions and factors that affect the strategic results. This term belongs to the first stage of strategizing which analyzes external and internal environment and assesses new opportunities and threats. The research featured various strategizing issues in the domestic construction industry, in particular, those that increase labor performance. The factors that reduce labor productivity were divided into several groups as “an unstable contractor”, “an unstable team”, and “an unstable worker”. The article describes strategic threats to the development of the construction industry and introduces some ideas on how to strategize labor performance, e.g., by developing and implementing social and technological innovations. In this regard, the priority tasks should include the following measures. The best workers should be encouraged to develop their professional skills and paid as much as qualified engineers. Robotic complexes and technical systems are to replace heavy physical labor. Innovative construction technologies and products should cover a wide range of construction types.
methodology of strategizing, construction industry, labor productivity, factors of low productivity, qualification of specialists, strategic threats
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