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Abstract (English):
The definitions set out in the article are the result of a systemic analysis of the environment, existing forecasts of future conditions based on strategic thinking, which help explain the theory of the emergence of agglomeration effects in territorial planning in the region. The essence of strategizing is focusing on the implementation of a set of interests. Therefore, the agglomeration strategy should be aimed at realizing long-term interests, such as creating new industries, improving the quality of life of the population, maintaining positive dynamics of demographic indicators, thereby ensuring the interests of a larger number of parties and achieving an agglomeration effect for the subject of the Russian Federation. It is the interests of the population, aimed at restoring the integrity of the territory in terms of the main economic indicators within the agglomeration, that are the main resulting factor reflecting the effectiveness of the strategy. At the stage of planning strategic priorities, it is important to pay attention to the transport accessibility of territories. Intraregional differences in the level of socio-economic development in Kuzbass, including the level of unemployment, prove the need for investment in the development of new industries. The lack of resource availability reduces the effectiveness of strategy and does not contribute to socio-economic development. An analysis of the economic mechanisms existing in the region and the fundamental principles of spatial development determines the possibilities of choosing between scenarios to achieve the agglomeration effect. The developing explanatory theory reveals the fact that limited resources can never satisfy uncertain desires and needs, and only a formalized strategy that combines forecast, priorities, long-term goals and objectives with a detailed scenario, the use of a strategic monitoring system, and assessment of resource limitations will achieve agglomeration effects in region.

doctrine, agglomeration effect, spatial development, resource constraints, strategizing
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