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Abstract (English):
Cow’s milk powder can be substituted with mare’s milk powder in ice-cream to increase its nutritional and biological value. The authors employed physical, chemical, rheological, microstructural, and thermostatic methods to rationalize the use of mare’s milk powder in the ice-cream sherbet to reduce the content of dry nonfat milk solids to 6%. Ice-cream sherbet with skimmed cow’s milk powder served as control. Fruit juices and flavor additives camouflaged the taste of mare’s milk. The protein composition of mare’s milk improved the air saturation, dispersion of air phase, and consistency. In addition, the overrun increased by 27%, the hardness went down by 32%, and the stickiness decreased by 34%. Mare’s milk produced no effect on the cryoscopic temperature and dispersion of ice crystals. It was rich in whey protein, which resulted in a 9.9-times lower dynamic viscosity. Heat resistance increased by 1.8 times after 120 min of incubation. Mare’s milk powder proved to be a good functional substitute to cow’s milk inice-cream sherbet, thus showing good commercial prospects for regions where mare’s milk is part of traditional diet. The formulation and technological guidelines can be applied in ice-cream with low content of dry nonfat milk solids and flavor additives that mask the specific taste of mare’s milk.

ice cream, makes milk powder, whey proteins, dynamic viscosity, hardness, heat resistance, dispersion of air phase
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