Blagoveshchensk, Blagoveshchensk, Russian Federation
Blagoveshchensk, Blagoveshchensk, Russian Federation
Blagoveshchensk, Blagoveshchensk, Russian Federation
New cream cheeses with improved chemical composition have great potential for the food industry. The range of cream cheeses is expended by introducing additional plant raw materials as a source of essential components. The article introduces a new technology of curd cheese fortified with soya and mushrooms and describes the quality indicators of the finished product. The experimental cheese was proved expedient using a mathematical model for sensory evaluation. The optimal share of soya and mushrooms was 20%; the optimal processing parameters were 4 min 12 s of thermal treatment at 77°C. The total sensory score was 24.99 points. The physicochemical parameters were compared with those of Almette cream cheese with porcini mushrooms (State Standard GOST 33480-2015). The moisture content in the experimental sample was increased by 4.8%, minerals by 14.2%, protein by 51.2%, and ascorbic acid by 312 times. The contents of fat and carbohydrates were 64.8 and 42.9% below the standard, respectively. The titrated and active acidity values were lower than those of the control sample by 36.4 and 7.7%, respectively. The descriptor-profile method revealed some differences in the sensory profile, primarily in color, flavor, and aroma. The new technology of cream cheese fortified with soya and mushrooms yielded a high-quality food product.
soybean cheese, soya and mushroom component, formulation, technology, physicochemical parameters, sensory assessment, multicomponent products
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