Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The problems of ensuring storage conditions and the sale of perishable food products (PPP) are the most significant in the food industry. To solve them, controlled cold chains must be created at all stages of the distribution of goods from production to consumption. The dairy industry processes the largest volumes of raw materials that require refrigeration storage compared to other industries. The article discusses the storage conditions of PPP in various links of a continuous refrigeration chain (CRC) and shows that its less reliable link is storagein commercial refrigerated display cases. In order to improve the quality of SPP storage processes, on the initiative of the Association of Food Sector Organizations, a draft Federal Law on CRC is being prepared. The law should establish uniform requirements for all CRC participants, for certification of refrigeration technological equipment and organization of tracking the «temperature history» of products at the CRC.

continuous cold chain, dairy products, cold store, refrigerated showcase, storage temperature, shelf life
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